portrait of ruin

Okay! Here we have the preorder 20th anniversary goodies set for the US version of Portrait of Ruin. I hate waiting for the US release of a game, but since it was coming with stuff, I had to wait.

I'll add other scans as I get my hands on different things, too. =p

portrait of ruin packaging & goodies

Displaying the...
01 :: "wax seal" on the box
02 :: CD sampler
03 :: CD track listing. I found it particularly cruel that songs from Rondo are included. Also interesting is the typo in the title of track three. Oops? And I swear that some of the song titles aren't exactly right, especially for Dawn, but then again, I never played the US version.
04 :: stylus and game case (holds two DS games)

portrait of ruin artbook

Mini artbook! It's nice and fat but kinda small, like the size of a DVD case. These scans are horrible, and I apologize... they were done with my old scanner, which had some condensation inside that's clearly visible on dark areas of the scans. I'll replace these as soon as I can. Which means as soon as I find my artbook. Sigh.

game informer :: january 2007

A review and few other small bits related to Portrait of Ruin.

other images

Some other scans. First is a smallish (about 12x8) advertising poster originally displayed at Gamestop stores, and the second is the mini promo poster that came with the soundtrack (scanned at definitely NOT mini size).