kojima ayami illustrations

A huge collection of art by Kojima Ayami, who illustrated many Castlevania games starting with Symphony of the Night.

She is my favorite Japanese artist and I spent a lot of time, effort, and cash in hunting down elusive book covers and other bits she's illustrated. It was a fun but sometimes frustrating exercise! It may all seem a bit redundant now that her massive artbook, Santa Lilio Sangre, has been released, but there are still gems to be found here that haven't been published anywhere else.

Thumbnail sizes are inconsistent, and some images have cloudy spots on them. These issues will be fixed soon.

link description
Santa Lilio Sangre
a massive, 200+ page artbook with well over 300 illustrations
scans of three different postcard sets
scans of cover and interior illustrations from various Japanese novels
other games
illustrations and screenshots from other video games
magazines and illustration workshops, plus doujinshi