scans by game

Scans listed by game for your browsing convenience. Titles are listed in alphabetical, not chronological, order.

At the moment, scans by type contains more images. I still need to copy the "other games" stuff over here.

link description
Aria of Sorrow
the first adventure featuring Soma Cruz
Curse of Darkness
an interesting PS2 adventure where you play as a (former) evil dude
Dawn of Sorrow
because Soma was cool enough for a sequel
Dracula X Chronicles
sexy PSP remake of Rondo of Blood
Lament of Innocence
the origin story of the Vampire Killer
Portrait of Ruin
Charlotte! Jonathan! Charlotte! Jonathan! Charlotte! Jonathan! Charlotte! Jonathan!
Symphony of the Night
possibly the finest platformer of ever
other games
various bits for games that don't have enough to justify a full page... yet