Images scanned from a variety of magazines, listed by order of date - oldest first!
Most of the page scans were done at only 150dpi (instead of the usual 300dpi), for two reasons. One, ease of reading; any larger and the text is too large to read comfortably without resizing the image. That, and I don't feel terribly comfortable posting HUGE scans of full magazine pages.
Sure, some of these magazines are old and hard to find, which is why the older magazines DO have full page scans available, but I still want to be a little careful here.
nintendo power :: september/october 1988
Whoa, this magazine is mad crazy old. XD Huge article on Castlevania 2, including a foldout world map. Pretty cheesy overall, but hey, this is from 1988!
This magazine was donated to us by a kind soul who wishes to remain anonymous. You know who you are! Thank you!
nintendo power :: january 1992
Another old one! Has a huge article and play tips for Super Castlevania 4, plus a fold out map.
This magazine was donated to us by a kind soul who wishes to remain anonymous. You know who you are! Thank you!
electronic gaming monthly :: july 2003
A long article on the then-upcoming Lament of Innocence. Dewd, where's all the pictures of Joachim? Huh, what do you mean Leon's the main character? LIES!
This magazine was donated to us by a kind soul who wishes to remain anonymous. You know who you are! Thank you!
play :: february 2005
Images scanned from the Curse of Darkness preview. Sorry, no full pages on this one!
hardcore gamer magazine :: july 2005
Click each thumbnail to see the full sized image. Be warned, all of these are HUGE files! (Full pages at 300dpi. Erm, I made that rule AFTER I scanned these...)
electronic gaming monthly :: aug/oct/nov 2005
A preview, a two page review, and a single page review of Dawn of Sorrow.
play :: november 2005
A long interview with IGA. Pretty interesting, actually.
electronic gaming monthly :: february 2006
SotN as game #30 in "the greatest 200 games of their time" plus a really SCARY ad for Dawn of Sorrow featuring Soma with a really strange facial expression. (Constipated, maybe?)
game informer :: december 2006
A brief article in celebration of Castlevania's 20th anniversary. Nothing earth-shattering, but the mention of Symphony being released on XBox Live is pretty damn cool.
game informer :: january 2007
A review and few other small bits related to Portrait of Ruin.
electronic gaming monthly :: march 2007
A nice three page article about the upcoming Dracula X Chronicles (Rondo) for PSP.
play :: june 2007
Nice long article about Dracula X Chronicles, including an interview with IGA, who seriously needs a haircut. Or to brush his hair. Or something.
cold leftovers
A variety of goodies, mostly single page or smaller snippets and reviews from all over the place. Not worth their own section, but definitely worth scanning!
Starting from the left...
01 :: Gamenow June 2003 - Lament of Innocence
02 :: Gamenow December 2003 - Aria of Sorrow
03 :: EGM July 2006 - Portrait of Ruin
04 :: Game Informer April 2007 - Dracula X Chronicles
05 :: various sources - cheesy Curse of Darkness ad XD
Vampire Killer is ©Rahenna & Marfisa (2005-present) and is part of Serving Castlevania fans since August 27, 2005! |