usage policy

Just a bit of information about how the stuff on this site can and cannot be used. Thanks for taking the time to read this.


Our translation policy is simple:

Translations MAY NOT be retranslated into other languages and/or posted elsewhere.

Respect Marfisa's work; LINK to it. Why? Marfisa's translation is a reflection of her individual style. She will not give permission for her work to be used elsewhere or translated into other languages. If you are interested in having a translation in your own language, please translate it yourself from the original Japanese; this will ensure the greatest accuracy, as well.

Please do not ask us to make exceptions, we are FIRM on this.

The ONLY other site that has permission to host the DoS translation is NO other site has permission to use the ANY of the other translations.


Again, a simple policy:

Scans are provided for personal use only. Do not duplicate our galleries.

Scans on this site are free to use for personal projects... make layouts, avatars, signatures, whatever. If you would like to add any of these images to your own gallery, please limit it to around ten images total and include a link back to this site.

The only images that are completely off-limits are:
- CoD promo comic scanlation - It's a translation, please treat it as such.
- autograph boards - A prized part of my collection, not for sharing.
- doujinshi stationery - This is not my art, please don't spread it around.